Under Pressure VB do Emporium dos Cães
Border Collie
Under Pressure VB do Emporium dos Cães
Border Collie
Sexo Macho
Nascimento: 12/03/2018
Cor Vermelho e Branco
Kuhaylan's J - Whatchamacallit - Oz
Linn Of Sunloch Valley
Kuhaylans Oz-Dolly O Dare-U
ILLusion In Red From Borders Paradise
Winpara Aurora Australis
Pol Rus Ch Jessomine Aussie Merlot
Kuhaylans Oz Kitkatcarameldream-M
Pucca Star Border
Ink Brown do Emporium dos Cães
Best In Border Annie Get You Gun
Best In Border Man Of La Mancha
July Wupperthal Zanini
Multi Ch Shorelands The Golden Rule
Best In Border Sweet Semillon